Drawn Together

Drawn Together, a collaborative community art project consisting of Draw Charlottesville and Draw Ann Arbor, explores the evolving stories of a place through visual arts-based exploration of the varied landscape of a community's built environment -  the buildings and neighborhoods that individuals and communities inhabit.

We seek to use the closer observation that visual art enables to inspire and support people in developing a deeper awareness and understanding of the diversity of perspective and experience in their communities...both by creating art as well as viewing art made by others.  

Drawn Together originally started as Draw Charlottesville, which we started together as a community art project in spring 2020. In spring 2023, building upon the success of Draw Charlottesville, we expanded with the formation of Draw Ann Arbor, when one of us relocated to Michigan.

As we collaboratively build this collection, we invite individuals to join us at events or submit a drawing depicting a building, landscape, or neighborhood that is meaningful to them - places and spaces across Charlottesville, Virginia and Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Though this process, we encourage individuals to reflect on how the identity of a community is shaped by the experiences of the people in that place.